Saturday, September 27, 2014

Dhul Hijjah, Hajj, Music, Theif Gone Good, & Death

This week's random assortment of video reminders.

1. Virtues of the 1st 10 Days if Dhul Hijjah. I always miss the first few days :( but inshAllah we can still make use of the remaining 10 days. For more info, please go here and here.

2. The 1 Accepted Hajj. Something to think about and share with those who have gone or will be going on hajj.

3. Shaytan's Voice. May Allah help those of us "addicted" to music stop and replace it with Quran. Ameen.

4. A Highway Robber. Interesting. An example of how one can change if one WANTS to and Allah guides them.

5. Don't Say You Weren't Warned. No excuses. Another reminder on death.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pork, Death, Prisoners, and Reverts to Islam

Sorry for MIA, but it felt good to take a break and come back to watching some videos again. Here are some favorite videos I watched recently and wanted to share. This is a random assortment, but sometimes different is good :)

1. This video on pork isn't a "favorite", but I wanted to share it. I couldn't even finish it because it was disgusting, but it goes to show that Allah really knows and wants what is best for all of us. Alhamdulillah for being a Muslim <3 I don't know how after knowing all this, someone could still enjoy eating pork, so please share this with those you know who can benefit from the information.

2. This made me cry a bit... Everyone isn't guaranteed life, but we are all guaranteed death. May we all return to Allah in a state that He is pleased with us. Ameen.

3. An amazing story with a great reminder towards the end. May Allah free our brothers and sisters in Islam. Ameen.

4. Another video that made me cry... Sad to see how far people will go to hurt Muslims, even if it is family.

5. This is a documentary, so it is longer, but worth watching. Really interesting and a lot to learn. I enjoy learning about new Muslims, so I loved watching this!